We believe that it’s just as important for moms to grow as it is to take care of our little ones. Therefore, MOMCo exists to serve you and your kids. While your children play and learn in the care and safety of our on-site MOMCo KIDS program, MOMCo moms meet to socialize, hear from speakers, engage in creative activities and small group discussion, and share in a kid-uninterrupted breakfast and coffee break. Our hope is that you walk away refreshed, inspired, connected, and ready to brave the day.
You can expect a fun variety of snacks, curriculum, fellowship, prayer and devotions, crafts, playdates, and outside events.
Yearly dues are $60 for Valley MOMCo, $30 for childcare, and $37 The MOMCo International membership. For your convenience, you may pay for the entire year or one semester at a time.
Valley MOMCo and MOMCo International dues with no childcare – 1 semester $67
Valley MOMCo and MOMCo International dues with no childcare – 2 semesters $97
Valley MOMCo and MOMCo International dues with childcare – 1 semester $82
Valley MOMCo and MOMCo International dues with childcare – 2 semesters $127
We are excited to welcome new moms into our group for next year. Please contact The MOMCo leaders with any questions.