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The Bible is a Spiritual Geographic journey.

God created us as physical and spiritual people who visit and inhabit places and spaces. It’s how God has chosen and designed for us to meet with him—not just in thought but in real and memorable locations.

Join us on an unforgettable 11-week tour of some of the most important and powerful places in Scripture. Be refreshed. Be transformed!

The Island of Malta and The Appian Way

Key Scriptures

  • Acts 27-28


  • Malta is a rocky island, 62 miles south of Sicily in the Mediterranean Sea. It is the place where the Apostle Paul (a prisoner for the faith) was shipwrecked on his journey to Rome. The physician Luke records the episode (as an eyewitness) in great detail in the Book of Acts.
  • The Appian Way is an ancient (and famous) Roman road still in existence today. Three months after the shipwreck at Malta, the Apostle Paul and Luke continued their journey to Rome—eventually traveling along the Appian Way. On this ancient highway, two groups of Christians when out of their way to welcome them to Rome.


  • Go the extra mile.

Starter Questions

  • Share about a time and place when someone unexpectedly went out of their way to help you. Perhaps it was in a situation where you were a stranger to the place. How did you feel at the time? Why was it so memorable?

  • How does unusual kindness unlock doors that might be otherwise closed? Give some examples.

  • Why is it hard for us sometimes to receive kindness? How can receiving kindness give you opportunities to show the love of Christ in return?

  • Hospitality is an underrated virtue. In the Scriptures, hospitality is a key to deeper friendships and the advance of the gospel in the hearts of people otherwise far from God. What are some different ways of showing hospitality in our culture? How can we express it differently with varied personality types and situations?


Please take some time to view these resources for this week’s message on the island of Malta and the Appian Way. Check back weekly for new resources.

Solomon's Porch

Key Scriptures

  • John 10
  • Acts 3-5


  •  Solomon’s Porch (or Colonnade) was a grand, covered, outdoor walkway on the east side of the ancient Temple in Jerusalem.
  • Jesus delivered some of his most important teaching at this location.

  • Solomon’s Porch became a prominent gathering place for the believers in the early church. The apostles taught and performed miracles here. It was also an important place of worship, prayer, fellowship, and generosity.


  • Bring back the front porch.

Starter Questions

  • What’s one of the most magnificent or astounding buildings you’ve ever visited? What stood out?

  • Why do you think some places or locations stir such positive emotions or memories in us? Give some examples from your own life. Share about some experiences like these that were significant for your spiritually. Share some church experiences where you were deeply moved or encouraged in a group setting.

  • Why is gathering with other believers in person so important and transforming? What happens to us when we neglect it?

  • How can you personally help to make our gatherings an opportunity for sincere worship, bold prayer, deeper friendship, and greater generosity?

  • How can you practice front porch living so that those outside the faith can feel more welcomed to explore Christ and Christianity?


Please take some time to view these resources for this week’s message on Solomon’s Porch. Check back weekly for new resources.


With your RightNow media account you can watch the video linked below.

Subscriptions to Right Now Media are free to all who call Valley Church their home. Follow the link below to create your free account!


Key Scriptures

  • Matthew 4, 8, 9, 11
  • Mark 1, 2, 9
  • Luke 4, 10
  • John 6


  •  Other than Jerusalem, Capernaum is the most-mentioned place in the New Testament (50x).
  • Capernaum was Jesus’ adopted hometown, and a large number of the miracles, activities, and teachings of Jesus happened in and near Capernaum.

  • It’s also the home of the apostles Peter, Andrew, James, John, and Matthew.


  • Believing is seeing.

Starter Questions

  • Where did you grow up? What was it like? Who are some memorable friends or characters from there? What were some unusual happenings in that place?

  • Often God is seemingly “hidden in plain sight.” What would your prayers sound like if you expected to see God in the ordinary places where you worship, work, visit, and live?

  • List out the places and spaces where you spend time each week. How could you leverage the “opportunities in the ordinary” that God already provides for you?

  • Think of locations like our church building, Valley Community Center, and where your Life Group meets. How could God use these places to help us see him at work — when we come with open hearts, open eyes, and open hands?


Please take some time to view these resources for this week’s message on Capernaum. Check back weekly for new resources.


With your RightNow media account you can watch the video linked below.

Subscriptions to Right Now Media are free to all who call Valley Church their home. Follow the link below to create your free account!

Sea of Galilee

Key Scriptures

  • John 21
  • Luke 5:1-11
  • Mark 6:45-52


  • The Sea of Galilee, also called Lake Gennesaret or Lake Tiberias in the Bible, is a large freshwater lake located in northern Israel.
  • Numerous fishing towns and villages dotted the Sea’s shores, with fishing as the backbone of the local economy.
  • It was around the Sea of Galilee that Jesus conducted much of his ministry and performed many miracles.


  • Failure is a detour, not a dead end.

Starter Questions

  • If you could have any kind of business (like Peter’s boating business) by the Sea of Galilee during Jesus’ time, what would it be and why?
  • In John 21, Jesus approaches Peter in his moment of failure. How do you think Peter felt when Jesus came to him, and how do you relate to those feelings in your own life?
  • How does Jesus’ interaction with Peter at the Sea of Galilee reflect God’s way of dealing with our failures? What does this teach us about God’s character?
  • In what ways can we, as followers of Christ, help others who are experiencing failure or discouragement? Can you share a time when someone helped you in this way?


Please take some time to view these resources for this week’s message on the Sea of Galilee. Check back weekly for new resources.


With your RightNow media account you can watch the video linked below. Start the video at the 8-minute mark to learn more about this amazing biblical find!

Subscriptions to Right Now Media are free to all who call Valley Church their home. Follow the link below to create your free account!


With your RightNow media account you can watch the video linked below. Start the video at the 8-minute mark to learn more about this amazing biblical find!

Subscriptions to Right Now Media are free to all who call Valley Church their home. Follow the link below to create your free account!


Jacob's Well

Key Scriptures

  • John 4


  • Jacob’s well is only mentioned once in the Bible.
  • The actual site of the well has been validated for centuries and can be visited still today.
  • One of Jesus’ most important conversations happened at Jacob’s well.


  • Don’t go to an old well for a new life.

Starter Questions

  • What’s one of your go-to places for catching up with friends or family?
  • What’s one of your good habits? What’s one of your bad habits?
  • If Jesus were to initiate 3 or 4 topics of conversation with you, what would they be?
  • Is there an area of your life (thought, word, or deed) where you could seek out Jesus for a new perspective or approach? Where are you thirsty?
  • What can you do to help our church and your Life Group become more like a Jacob’s well?

Upper Room

Key Scriptures

  • John 13:18-38
  • John 14-17
  • Acts 1:13-14


  • Located in Jerusalem, the Upper Room is known as the site of the Last Supper and early church gatherings.
  • It signifies where Jesus instituted Communion and imparted final teachings to his disciples.
  • Post-resurrection, Jesus appeared to his followers in the Upper Room, affirming his resurrection.


  • Things that come easily and without sacrifice are rarely worth anything.

Starter Questions

  • If the Last Supper in the Upper Room was a potluck and you were invited, what dish would you bring and why?
  • How have places or settings (like the Upper Room for the disciples) played a role in your spiritual journey or moments of significant learning about God?
  • Can you share a time when something difficult led to significant personal or spiritual growth for you?
  • Talk about one thing, no matter how small it seems, where you feel God is leading you or prompting you to step into.


Please take some time to watch and download these resources for this week’s message on the Upper Room. Check back weekly for new resources.


This video can be streamed with a Right Now Media subscription. Subscriptions to Right Now Media are free to all who call Valley Church their home.

Follow the link below to create your free account!


This link you will take you to a unique set of 360° photos to explore.

  1. Click on the button below.
  2. Read the instructions on that page.
  3. Click the instruction box to get to the photos.
  4. You should now see a 360° photo. Look for a text box at the top center that says “Promised Land View from Mount Nebo.” Click that box and scroll down the list until you find “Last Supper Room on Mount Zion.”
  5. Click Last Supper Room on Mount Zion. This is a 360° photo of the traditional location of the Upper Room.
  6. Click, drag, and explore.

Jordan River

Key Scriptures

  • Joshua 3-4
  • Matthew 3
  • Mark 1
  • Luke 3


  • The Jordan River is a pivotal location in the lives of Moses, Joshua, Elijah, John the Baptist, and Jesus.
  • Israel entered the Promised Land by crossing the Jordan River
  • Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River


  • Get drenched in deep waters.

Starter Questions

  • What’s a favorite or a famous “entrance” that you love or remember fondly?
  • What’s the most powerful, encouraging, or challenging thing you learned about the epic biblical moments at the Jordan River?
  • Why is Jesus’ baptism so important? Why is baptism important in the life of his followers? Can you share about your own baptism or one you witnessed? Why was it memorable or impactful?
  • How can the deep promises symbolized in baptism transform your life? In what areas do you need your life to be more fully immersed in the promises of God?
  • Who in your life would you like to see become fully drenched in the deep love of God? How can you begin praying now for them, and for your influence in their life?


Key Scriptures

  • John 1:28-51
  • Matthew 26:6-16
  • Luke 24:50-53


  • Bethany was located on the eastern slope of the Mount of Olives, about two miles east of Jerusalem.
  • Bethany was the hometown of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus and a frequent stop for Jesus and his disciples.
  • It was in Bethany at the home of Simon the leper where Jesus was anointed with oil.


  • Hope and transformation start with the invitation to come and see Jesus.

Starter Questions

  • What or where is your “happy place” where you feel most connected with yourself or others?
  • In John 1:28-51, several people are invited to “come and see” Jesus. How do you think this invitation impacted them personally?
  • How does the concept of “inviting to come and see” apply to our lives today? Can you think of a time when you’ve either extended or received such an invitation?
  • What do you think is the significance of Jesus choosing a humble place like Bethany, known for its ordinary residents, as a frequent retreat?


Please take some time to watch and download these resources for this week’s message on Bethany. Check back weekly for new resources.

Desert Road to Gaza

Key Scriptures

  • Acts 8
  • Hebrews 1:14
  • Hebrews 13:2
  • Isaiah 56:3-5
  • I Peter 3:15
  • Romans 1:14-16


  • The desert road described in Acts ran from ancient Samaria through Jerusalem and south to Gaza, a distance of about 100 miles.
  • The distance from the ancient kingdom of Ethiopia to Israel was about 1500 miles.
  • The conversion of the Ethiopian treasurer led to the gospel of Christ spreading to Africa.


  • Make room for interruptions.

Starter Questions

  • What’s an interruption that drives you crazy? What’s an interruption you don’t mind much?
  • Why would God’s call to Phillip seem to him like a very significant interruption?
  • What evidence do you see in your life that people who do not share your faith in Christ still have significant spiritual interest?
  • What changes in attitude, habit, or priorities need to happen in your life to make room for God’s interruptions?

Eremos Cave

Key Scriptures

  • Luke 6:12-16
  • Luke 5:16
  • Luke 1:11
  • Mark 1:35


  • Eremos Cave, situated on the Mount of Beatitudes, overlooks the Sea of Galilee.
  • While Eremos Cave is not mentioned by name in Scripture, its location corresponds with where Jesus is believed to have prayed as described in Luke 6.
  • Caves in the biblical context served as dwellings, burial sites, and venues for significant spiritual events.


  • We make time for what matters most.

Starter Questions

  • If you could choose any place in the world for a personal retreat to connect with God, where would it be and why?
  • In Luke 6:12-16 and Mark 1:35, Jesus retreats to solitary places for prayer. Where and how do you currently make time to connect with God in your daily life?
  • “We make time for what matters most.” How does this statement resonate with your current priorities and spiritual life?
  • What practical steps can you take this week to create your own ‘Eremos Cave’ experience, dedicating time to connect with God?


Please take some time to watch and download this resource for this week’s message on Eremos Cave. Check back weekly for new resources.


Key Scriptures

  • Matthew 2
  • Exodus 3
  • Hosea 11


  • Egypt was one of the greatest civilizations of the ancient world.
  • Egypt is referred to 700+ times in the Old and New Testaments
  • It plays an important role in the lives of Abraham, Joseph, Moses, and Jesus.


  • The dead end can become the new road.

Starter Questions

  • When you need to clear your mind, where is your go-to place?
  • How is Egypt not only a place of bondage, but also a place of new beginnings?
  • In what ways are Moses’ (and Israel’s) Egyptian experiences similar to Jesus’ experience? How are they different?
  • What’s an area of your life where you sense you need or want a fresh start? How could God turn your dead end into a new season of life?
  • Is there someone you can reach out to who seems to be at a dead end? How can you be a friend to them so that they can see a path toward something better?


Please take some time to watch and download these resources from Pastor Quintin for this week’s message on Egypt. Check back weekly for new resources.