Expand what you know
Join Us for a New and Improved ValleyU
This fall and into 2024, come to Valley for a more robust ValleyU! Sessions are offered at various times (Sunday evening, Wednesday evening, or Saturday morning) and in various locations (chapel, auditorium, etc.).
Enjoy teachings from:
- Professors from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, one of the world’s leading seminaries.
- RightNow Media, an on-demand video library of 20,000 teaching videos of national-level speakers (occasionally offered as a group event in person).
- Valley leaders you know, as well as other teachers.

Upcoming Event
- Teaching: Reading the Gospels for All Their Worth
- Speaker: Dr. Nicholas Perrin, President of Trinity International University
- Music by Valley Worship Team
- Wednesday, November 8
- 6:30–8:00 pm
- Auditorium