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Grand Opening of the Lower Level is projected to happen on Sunday, March 30.


Vision Weekend

By March 26, 2019September 16th, 2022No Comments
Saturday, September 24 · 5:30 pm (online)
Sunday, September 25 · 8:15, 9:30 & 11 am
Celebrate | Pray | Anticipate | Affirm

It’s time to celebrate God’s faithfulness in the past year and look ahead to his vision for the future. Be sure to join us for any weekend worship gathering to hear how God is leading Valley Church.

Location: Valley Church Worship Gatherings

PLUS: Brief Annual Members Meeting
On Sunday, September 25 at 10:40 am, we’ll take a few minutes to review the year and to affirm the nominees and annual budget plan. If you’re unable to attend the meeting, please drop off your affirmation ballot at marked boxes at Valley Church between 8 am – 12:30 pm on Sunday, September 25.

Have any questions about the leadership report? Attend a Valley Forum on Thursday, September 15 from 7-8 pm or Saturday, September 17 from 9-10 am.

If you have any questions, e-mail Valley Church.

Meeting Location: Student Ministries Room